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Chinese translation for "secondary treatment"


Related Translations:
treatment:  n.待遇;作业;处理,处置;讨论,论述;【医学】治疗,疗法;(种子的)消毒(处理)。 preferential treatment 优待。 hard treatment 虐待。 heat treatment 热处理。 mechanical treatment 机械加工。 water treatment 水的净化。 under medical treatment 治疗中。
secondaries:  二次波二期梅毒疹副翼羽后翅
secondary:  adj.1.第二(位)的,第二次的;中级的 (opp. primary)。2.副(的);从属的;附属的;辅助的;补充的;次要的;次等的;代理的。3.【医学】继发(性)的,第二期的。4.【地质学;地理学】中世代的;次生的。5.【电学】(产生)感应电流的;次级电流的。6.【化学】仲的,次的;副的,二代的。7.中等教育[学校]的。8.【语言学】音次重音的。9.间接的;非原始的。短
aerobic secondary treatment:  需氧二次处理
secondary wastewater treatment:  污水二级处理
secondary biological treatment:  废水的二级生物处理
secondary treatment process:  二级处理法
secondary sewage treatment:  二次污水处理二级污水处理
secondary waste treatment:  污水二级处理
Example Sentences:
1.Treating combined sewage effluent from a secondary treatment plant, the process achieved 94.5% cadmium removal for the trace quantities present .
2.Secondary treatment of sewage
3.Aerobic secondary treatment
4.Secondary treatment sewage
5.The activated sludge process has been extensively utilized for the secondary treatment of industrial and municipal wastewater
6.Treating combined sewage effluent from a secondary treatment plant , the process achieved 94 . 5 % cadmium removal for the trace quantities present
用这种方法处理二级处理厂排出的综合下水,可除去水中含镉量的94 . 5 。
7.Secondary treatment is the biological treatment that controls the environment for growing enough quantity of microorganisms to degrade organic substances in the wastewater followed by separating the microorganisms from the treated liquid to achieve the objective of purification . the biological treatment can be either aerobic or anaerobic
8.Generally speaking , the treatment can be carried out in combinations of pre - treatment , primary treatment , secondary treatment and advanced treatment and the application depends on the available raw water quality and the required finished water qualities as well as economic considerations
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